Now you can prevent a health condition deteriorating and can even reverse a serious, degenerative illness, in one easy step

It wasn’t many years ago when domestic cats lived long and trouble-free lives. Now, despite all the modern veterinary care and special diets, domestic cats lead shorter lives and suffer with more health problems.

Hello there
You are probably reading this because you have concerns about your cat’s health. Maybe you have taken her to a veterinarian and they have given you a worrying diagnosis.

Maybe they have told you her treatment is expensive, perhaps beyond your means. Whichever way you look at it, veterinary care is not cheap.

What can you do? You love your cat. You would do anything for her. But there simply aren’t the means for her treatment. Do you just leave things alone, hoping for the best? Do you surrender her to a rescue centre? Do you consider the inconsiderable, the ultimate?

Perhaps you do have the means to pay for your cat’s veterinary treatment, but you don’t feel comfortable with all the medication. After all, you made a switch to alternative health yourself, to your enormous benefit. Surely there is something alternative ‘out there’ for cats too?

And you’re right. There are plenty of alternatives. That are highly effective AND economical. There are many more ways to help your cat than the veterinary way.

Why Should You Listen To Me?

My name is Madeleine Innocent. I am the founder of Many moons ago, in another life it often seems, I consulted a vet with a sick cat. He asked me what I was feeding my cats. Although he tut-tutted when I told him (typical commercial cat food), he made no attempt to tell me why what I was doing was wrong, or how I could easily make some changes. Maybe he had said it too many times before and it kept falling on deaf ears.

But I remembered.

In the mid 1990’s I had a sea change in my life. I began studying homeopathy. I also started to research cat health and diet. What I discovered astonished me, upset me and made me quite angry.

I bought books written by homeopathic and other holistic vets, detailing exactly what commercial cat food contained and what this was doing to your cat’s health. They showed how a simple change of diet could cure, yes cure, chronic degenerative diseases which many vets were recommending death as the only option.

Things like feline leukemia. Things like cancer. And of course, all the other, less serious, but none the less troublesome health problems.

I read about Dr Pottenger’s dietary experiments with cats in the 1930s and the conclusions he reached. I studied Dr Edward Bach’s discoveries, in the 1920s, about the human intestines and what foods upset the delicate balance of the essential bowel flora.

So I set about converting my cats to a healthy diet. This was not without its problems. Cats tend to dislike change. And I made a lot of mistakes. But we came through the experience. And I can’t tell you how much their health improved.

At the time, I did yearn for some help in this process. But I was resolute. However I do know that many people would easily fall at the difficulties they can encounter. So, I decided to write about how you too can make these radical changes, much more easily than I did.

Imagine for a moment, that you brought up your children on fast food and junk food. Then you discovered the benefits of real food and decided to make a change. You would have a riot on your hands.

Cats don’t like change, either. It takes time, persistence, knowledge and often support, to help you and them through the change. To help their taste buds and their digestion adapt.

At times, you may feel it’s not worth the effort. At times, you may feel that you are not a good cat carer. But it is worth the trouble. The benefits are enormous.

I qualified as a professional homeopath in the year 2000 and have been in full time practice ever since, treating both humans and their animals. And the rewards have been exceptional. It is difficult to describe the feeling you have, when a terminally ill cat bounces back to life, much to the astonishment of their person. And all this from a simple change of diet and good homeopathic treatment.

So now, I want to empower you. I want you to be able to achieve similar results. I want to show you how it is possible to make a simple change in how you feed you cat, to enjoy the benefits of her good health. You can make the necessary changes without the heartache I had.

You Don’t Need to Feel So Helpless

I know how much people care for their cats. I know how much anxiety people feel when their cat falls ill. And I know how heart wrenching it is for people to see their cat’s health deteriorate, without feeling able to do anything to help. I know because I have felt it and so can feel the pain when other’s share their experiences with me.

People often feel that veterinary care has all the answers when it comes to animal health. I do believe that many vets start out with high ideals about improving the lot of animals. But somewhere in the training, things start to take a different turn. I know because I have talked and listened to vets who tell me this. Vets who always wanted to be vets, but quickly became disillusioned soon after setting up in practice. They just weren’t able to make the difference they had thought they would be able to.

Once they made the change to holistic veterinary care, then they started to see big improvements. Then they felt they were making a difference.

There are always other ways. You are not helpless.

There is Another Way

Currently, you don’t find holistic vets on every street corner. This will come, but maybe not in your life time. So what can you do to help your cat?

The single most important change you can make that will drastically change your cat’s health, and so her life, is the diet.

Once you know what goes into most commercial cat food, you will wonder how your cat ever managed to survive this long. Once you know the typical ingredients of commercial cat food, you will be as horrified as I was. Then probably as angry.

When I start to tell people what goes into commercial cat food, they usually ask me to stop rather early on in my narrative, they are so horrified. They put their hands up, not wanting to know more, fully convinced and fully committed to making the necessary changes.

Comments From Holistic Veterinarians

Veterinarian and author Alfred Plechner, reports “Because many commercial foods are woefully deficient in key nutrients, the long term effect of feeding such foods makes the pet hypersensitive to its environment”.

Nutrition is vital for health.

Veterinarian and author Henry Pasternak, tells it like it is: “Many pet foods advertised as “preservative-free” do, in fact, contain preservatives.”

Is the labelling truthful?

Veterinarian Thomas A Newland comments “When the moist foods came out, we figured they must have a very strong preservative because they needed no refrigeration. Many of them do have a very strong preservative – formalin. Formalin is such a good preservative, in fact, undertakers use quite a lot of it.”

Curing hypertension and cardiac problems in a single stroke

Veterinarian Wendell O Belfield has this to say on the typical ingredients of commercial pet food: “Do you know what is in most meal, the major constituent of dry pet food? Urine, faecal matter, hair, pus, meat from animals afflicted with cancer, TB, etc.”

I'm sure you feel your commercial cat food contains quality ingredients, but does it?

Veterinarian S Allen Price “I’ve been dealing with feline leukaemia for years; and I get disgusted with most veterinarians who advocate test and slaughter – that is if the cat tests positive, it’s best to kill it. We’ve had cats who have been able to climb trees and look normal in less than ten weeks. And I’m talking about cats who were brought in to us too weak even to stand up.”

Why don't more people get a second opinion before killing their cat on the recommendation of their vet?

Veterinarian J Keith Benedict comments “I suppose we veterinarians who do a lot of work with skin and hair problems ought to thank the commercial pet food manufacturers for all the business they create for us.”

Are commercial cat foods the CAUSE of ill health? Are their claims of balanced nutrition all hog wash?

Veterinarian Richard J Kearns “I believe all cases of spinal myelopathy are caused by poor nutrition, sometimes going back to the mother’s nutrition during pregnancy.”

Veterinarians John E Craigie, H H Robertson, Richard J Kearns “Dead mothers and dead babies; we seldom see them anymore if the mother is fed a natural diet with supplements.”

Veterinarians Robert S Goldstein, Marty Goldstein, Richard J Kearns, H H Robertson “We just seldom see the so-called inevitable diseases in our patients, when we can get the owners to raise their pets on the natural foods.”

Veterinarian Nino Aloro “Diet seems to be at the base of about 90% of the cases of cystitis that I see. When my clients observe the proper diet after initial treatment, there are rarely any of the ‘normal’ relapses. If they put the pet back on commercial food, then the cystitis comes back.”

Can a simple change of diet really cure health problems?

Veterinarians Richard J Kearns, Norman C Ralston “Bladder stones and kidney stones are completely a nutritional problem. We have never seen a recurrence once the animal is put on a natural diet. Never.”

Introducing A Better Way

Maybe you’ve read enough. Maybe now you’re saying to yourself:

  • How do I go about making these changes?
  • Where do I start?
  • What do I buy?
  • How do I make an easy change over?
  • What problems am I likely to encounter?
  • How can I implement these changes into an already busy schedule?

If you are, then you can feel safe and secure in the knowledge that there is help at hand.

Naturally Healthy Cats™ takes you through the process of making these changes, step by step.

What do others say about my recommendations?

I want to tell you how AMAZING the results have been of following your recommended diet. The worrisome symptoms our Moon Pie were having cleared up in two days (!) – his eyes had been dull, he’d been listless and urine smelled awful – I’ve had males with kidney problems and UTIs before and was in absolute dread. All three kitties are more sleek and kittenish and playful, at 6, than ever. It took them awhile to be completely accepting of the food and took US awhile to realize they need much smaller portions than they did of the commercial food. It was well worth the adjustment period! Your information taught us SO much; I do feel your advice was a God-given gift to us just when needed. Thank you again. Nancy and Harold Henry, Moon Pie, Moxie, and Fred Astaire, USA

You Don’t Have to be Fearful

Fear is a strong emotion. It makes you feel helpless. It also makes you easy prey. Sadly, it’s everywhere. Once you become conscious of it, you can see it more easily.

Fear is common in people who don’t know the truth. Once people know and understand what they need to know to keep their cat happy, well fed and healthy, there is nothing to fear.

Let me help allay your fears. I only speak the truth. I am direct and can be brutally honest, but I am real. And when you appreciate the truth, you can let go of fear, because the truth always empowers. Now you are no longer powerless. Now you have the power to do something constructive.

Added Bonuses

And that’s not all. Because homeopathy is so effective, but yet to become mainstream, you probably don’t know a lot about it. So there is a whole section devoted to telling you about it and instructing you on how to use some of the common remedies at home, for very effective treatment.

Imagine your cat comes home rather the worse for wear, after an altercation with a neighbouring cat. He’s done this before and it always ends up with an expensive veterinary trip to treat the infected wounds. Not to mention the regular fights to medicate him.

This time, you have help at hand. Select the best indicated remedy and watch. Before your eyes, you can see normality return. By the following day, there is little evidence that there was ever a problem. And all this without a murmur from your cat about taking the remedy.

Imagine your cat gets a grass seed stuck in her paw. The area is swollen, red and painful. The last time this happened, she had to have an operation. This time, you look this up and give your cat the indicated remedy. Within a short time, you can tell your cat is feeling better, with less pain. The following day the swelling is much reduced and your cat is not constantly licking the area. Another day and everything is back to normal.

Can you imagine how many $$ you save?

Can you imagine how much better your cat feels?

Can you fully appreciate the speed, with which all this happens?

Can you imagine how satisfying that feels?

These are just some of the things you will be able to achieve, with just a smattering of knowledge of some of the common homeopathic remedies.

And if all that sounds too much outside your comfort zone, then you can ‘cut your teeth’ on the Bach Flower Essences.

This is a bonus, devoted to interpreting the highly effective Bach Flower Essences for use on cats. These are excellent remedies to have on hand for any emotional issues.

For example, what to give your cat when you are boarding her prior to your holiday. Cats internalise their emotions, not giving us much clue to their core problem. Separation anxiety can be a nightmare for boarding facilities, too. The cat refuses to eat, burrowing in a small, dark space, fearful of the approach of anyone.

By putting the indicated essence into the drinking water, your cat can enjoy her stay at the cattery, making you feel less guilty about taking holidays.

The Benefits You Can Have

Let’s revisit the great benefits you can enjoy when you put into practice what I suggest. They include:

  • having a healthy cat who has a strong immune system
  • having a cat who shrugs off common health problems like water off a duck’s back
  • having a cat who can reverse and heal a serious health problem
  • ways to treat common health problems without veterinary medication
  • saving yourself hundreds, if not thousands, of $$

This information focuses on the root cause of ALL diseases. Disease is a man made phenomena. Wild cats don’t have the diseases domestic cats have. Focus on what humanity is doing wrong, and righting that. Then your cat can enjoy the bountiful health of their wild cousins.

To quote from a well known source, ‘it’s better to learn how to fish, than to be given a fish’. That way you enjoy the benefits of looking after yourself, rather than relying on handouts. Learn what is causing your cat’s poor health, fix that, and enjoy the benefits, along with your cat.

Max’s Story

Max is a 12 year sterilised male cat. He had recently been diagnosed with diabetes. However, the vet felt there were more complications, including a thyroid problem and he suspected a blood problem, but had been unable to prove them with tests. It was simply his gut feeling on considering all the symptoms and Max’s behaviour.

Pat, Max’s person, did not like the medications her vet prescribed. She liked even less, the prospect of daily insulin injections. She brought Max to see me in a high degree of stress.

The first thing I wanted her to do was to change the diet. I helped her through this process and she and Max made it through unscathed in only a couple of weeks. I delayed any homeopathic treatment at this point as I wanted to access the full scope of the diet change before prescribing anything.

Pat had a good relationship with her vet and, with her permission, I made contact with him. He is a lovely man and was open to any help that I could give Max. I told him what I was doing and asked Pat to have him assess the medications and if and when they could be reduced.

A month after the start of the new diet, Max was off all his medication, with the full approval of his vet. This is normal for a cat who had only recently started medication. You can expect this to take longer, the longer the cat has been on the medication.

Today, Max is a happy, healthy cat, with a strong immune system.

Time May Be Of The Essence

Cats do tend to hide their problems. They internalise their emotions a lot more than dogs do. This means an apparently healthy cat can already be suffering with symptoms of a degenerative disease.

In every being, there is always a point of no return. We all have to die at some point, and when our time is right, we will pass this point and not be able to recover.

However, this point comes too early for most cats. It can be postponed. Everyone was meant to live long, healthy lives, your cat included. As a caring cat person, should you delay the change you now have at your disposal?

It’s much easier to make healthy changes when there is no heavy emotional desperation about the condition of your cat. That is often when people search for solutions, but is a more difficult time, being fraught with concern. I know because I’ve been there and done that.

But an emotionally charged human is not the best nurse in times of ill health. However, most people go searching for help when their cat is suffering in some way.

Whether your cat is currently in great health, or suffering from a serious health disorder, now is the best time to make some healthy changes.

These changes have been responsible for the recovery of many cats from degenerative health conditions, mostly considered irreversible by their vet.

This Work Might Be a Perfect Fit For You If:

  • You understand that health is complicated and that there are many reasons why anyone, your cat in this case, is not healthy.
  • You like me and/or trust me so are prepared to put into action my suggestions.
  • You appreciate ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ so are prepared to make the time that it takes to get the results you want.
  • You realise that something is very amiss with the way the world currently views cat health, so are prepared to make the necessary changes.
  • You are willing to admit there are some things you don’t know.
  • You are willing to try new approaches that might be outside your comfort zone.

This Work Might NOT Be a Good Fit For You If:

This work is not for everyone. It may not be of use to you if:

  • You want a magic bullet to fix the problem quickly and without effort on your part.
  • You don’t want to make any drastic changes to the diet or health care of your cat.
  • You don’t have the time to read the information here and/or to put it into practice.
  • You give into challenges easily (cats can be challenging when faced with change :)).

I Want You To Succeed!

I know my approach to feline health care works. Within a 30 day period, if you try everything I suggest and still don’t see improvements to your cat, then I will give you your money back in full.

This means I am extending a lot of trust in you to do the work. You could take me for a ride, but I am trusting that you enter into this agreement in good faith.

Why do I offer this guarantee? Because I really feel the pain you feel, the helplessness, the frustration with the current mainstream treatment of feline health. So I want to make sure you get the help both for you and your cats sake, but without risk to you.

Food is complex. We know little about its complexities. A natural diet is complete.

Author, veterinarian and animal homeopath Richard Pitcairn says – “Foods are so complex, we still don’t understand them. For example, researchers discovered that cats need taurine, an amino acids only found in animal tissue, which is lost through cooking. Now it is added to cat foods and supplements. Rather than wait for more such discoveries, it is better to provide animals with the diet that most closely resembles their evolutionary history.”

What is your cat worth to you?

How much this information will save you is hard to quantify, as I don't know your cat's state of health or your situation, but I can say that if you follow the suggestions, it can save thousands in vets bills and much heartache.

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This new edition (January 2014) has more information and many new features.
Naturally Healthy Cats™
works on all Windows® and Mac® platforms, as it’s in PDF form.
This product is available exclusively via digital download.
Naturally Healthy Cats™ makes a terrific gift, too.

Now it’s down to you.



PS I am also being selfish. Seriously, I want this to work for you. If I’m lucky, then I’ll get a testimonial from you, a before-and-after snapshot. This will help spread the word. Then more cats will have healthier lives and more people will spend less to keep them healthy. It’s good for you, your cats, the environment and me.

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